Everything can turn upside down in a few minutes
That impermanence thing the Buddha talked about…real.
We have plans, but other things happen instead.
When you are in trouble, people will help you, if you have people who will help you.
Doctors are so busy, they don’t listen to you.
Nurses are the ones who do the “caring” part of healthcare.
So have a good nurse and be your own doctor.
Learn lots of useful things when you are young enough to remember them.
Later when you lose your mind and your short-term memory, the only useful things you will have to call on are the ones you learned when you were young.
Short-term memory is the part that tells you that you have taken your pills already or that your wife left for the store just 10 minutes ago.
Yellow pads are a poor substitute for short-term memory but they are better than nothing.
Canes are actually quite useful when you have bad balance.
Carbon Monoxide binds with blood cells the same way Oxygen does.
But when your blood is bound with CO, you can’t get O2. Who knew?
If your skin is yellow, the doctors won’t believe you when you tell them you have CO Poisoning.
Your car can be tested for leaks, pass, and still kill you because you drive in your car longer than any mechanic will.
Fresh Air is one of the sweetest things on earth.
But the best thing is people who love you as much as you love them!
Life is a weird, wonderful, incomprehensible miracle.
I am very glad to still be a small part of that miracle.
Even if I need a cane and a yellow pad to get through the day (for now).
I feel stronger everyday. And my girls (Evelyn, Chani, and Siona) take great care of me.
There are doves, goldfinches, humming birds, and dozens of birds that do not care that I do not know there names out side. They just care that I fill up the feeders with thistle and sunflower seeds and sticky red water.
This Jay Bird feels as if he is the big slow member of their energetic flock. But I am learning to fly again from them.
Thanks to the Nurses, the friends, my nurses friends, and everyone who has helped in the last couple of weeks. I love you Evelyn—you keep me going.
Thanks to the Bodhisattvas who taught me how to breath and not lose my mind when I was younger, so I could remember how when I most needed it.
Thanks to the world for holding me up.
Thanks to the Sun for shining on me.