Monday, February 08, 2010

Can Sara Save America? What kind of question is that?

Saw this magazine on the newsstand. Sara Palin, Can she save America?
What kind of question is that?
No one person can save America.
It takes lots of smart, hard working people to keep America going.
And I don't think Sara falls into any of those categories.
She quit her job as govenor of Alaska.
And she can't even remember her key points at a Tea Party event without writing them on her hand. Energy. Budget Cuts, no strike that. Tax Cuts. Lift American Spirits.
In a speech where she makes fun of people who actually prepare their speeches ahead of time, a speech where she makes fun of well educated, intellegent people, Sara Palin has too write down her main points like they are questions on a test she hasn't studied for.

Lift American Spirits, Sara Palin and stay out of political office.

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