Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Company?

"capitalism is losing friends around the world. A recent BBC poll in twenty-seven countries found that on average only 11 percent believe it works well. In just two countries did more than a fifth of respondents believe that it works well “as it stands.” One was the U.S.; the other -- Pakistan." -- Francis Moore Lappe

Congratulations Capitalists! Your good friends in Pakistan still agree with you that unbridled capitalism is still a good idea.

Personally, I have never been able to figure out how capitalism and democracy were supposed go together so well. Democracy is all about giving everyone a voice in the functioning of society. Capitalism is about giving control to capitalists. The owners of capital control all of it's economic expressions and actions, concentrating power in the hands of a few increasingly wealthy individuals. A verifiable fact that capitalists are seldom called to defend. Maybe because they keep wrapping their actions in the flag of democracy. But as we have all learned, the actual products we buy are not as cool in real life as the companies make them appear in the advertisements.

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