Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Subversive Heretics

Genuine intellectual inquiry is always subversive.
Authentic philosophical questioning is always heretical.
Traditional forces will always try to silence or kill
Those whom the perspective of history
Identifies as philosophical leaders and intellectual heroes.
Jesus, Gandhi, and MLK were all
Subversive Heretics
We praise them now in hindsight
But the conservatives of their times
Had them discredited and murdered.

Who among us today
Has the courage to genuinely question
The intellectual assumptions of our time?
Who among us today
Has the fortitude to overturn the tables
Of philosophical corruption
That fill the temples of our culture?
Who among us today
Are the true subversive heretics?
Who among us today
Would be their disciples?
And who would have them silenced?
Painting, “Jammed Up at the Crossroads,”
And words by Jay Larsen

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