Monday, June 07, 2010

We need Kirk and Spock

Apparently, the ship sucking up leaking oil from the BP Gusher is named the Discoverer Enterprise. They are sucking up oil and gas and burning off the methane gas from a large pipe stuck off the edge of the ship.
I think if Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock were on this Enterprise, they would figure out a way to stop this gusher.
Dr. Joye, from the University of Georgia, is researching underwater oil plumes in the Gulf oil spill. I got the photo above from her blog, which she is posting to from a research vessel in the Gulf. They are trying to track these giant under-water plumes. Please visit the Gulf Oil Blog for details.
I think Rachel Maddow is doing some of the best reporting on this gusher on TV.
I think no one has sufficiently summed up just how risky and ultimately unrewarding this whole underwater drilling activity is for our civilization and our planet. I've seen analysis that predicts that all the underwater drilling that can ever be done will only extend our global supply of oil by 6 months or so. I'm not sure that is worth it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Better still, Geordi and Data would have used a tachyon pulse then reversed the flux capacitor and it would have been fixed just when you thought all was lost.
