Monday, June 23, 2008

Effecting Cause

I saw Daniel Boone
Well, his ring-tailed cap
Twisted on the side of the road
The famous frontiersman
Had not been squashed like a toad
But it could plainly be seen and said
That the unfortunate raccoon
Had lost the brains
That once had been in his head

When does a tree become wood?
When does wood become ash?
And is the flame to blame,
For transformations past?
Would you tell me if you could?

I imagine the raccoon
Was not chicken
When he crossed the road
But I think he would have preferred
The driver had tapped on the brake
Instead of breaking his skull
And old Daniel Boone
Wouldn’t know what to make
Of our cars or the trails they take

When did the woods become asphalt?
Why do the cars go so fast?
And is the flame of liberty to blame,
For transformations past?
Can we ever know who’s at fault?

I wasn’t the cause
Of the raccoon’s demise
But my stomach felt the effects
His head was all smashed
And I am ashamed and abashed
To admit what my private thoughts where
As I publicly viewed the remains:
“I wish the critter could’ve avoided the crash
But I’m glad the speeding car didn’t tap that ass
Daniel Boone would agree without fail
That that there raccoon
Despite a head shaped like a spoon
Has a mighty, mighty fine tail.”


Credits: Words by Jay Larsen

Roadster by Phileas Fogg

Target by Airhog

"Let the dilemma be your way!" by Hisamatsu

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