Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Caucusing In Washington on Saturday

If you are a Democrat living in Washington State, Click Here To Find Your Caucus Location.
I encourage people to participate (even though I don't think it is a perfect system).
It is the only system we have at the moment.
And I don't think the country can take 4 more years of Republican "free market" blunders, Shock Doctrine progress, lower taxes for the rich and 100 more years of "war" in Iraq.

Even if you are not 18 until just before November 2, 2008 you can participate now. My 17 year old daughter will be participating because she turns 18 before the General Election.

We have a close race between Clinton and Obama and historically very few people participate in the caucuses. So every single participant can make a difference.

1 comment:

Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

That's great that she'll be able to participate. It is an interesting quirk of American politics everyone should experience.