Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Don't Show This To My Dog

My dog Ricky (that's short for Ricochet) wants to play fetch 24 hours a day.
If she saw this video she would wouldn't stop whining until she got an automated ball thrower of her own. So do not show her this video. But you should watch it, because you have self control (do what I say). You are responsible for your own actions (watch the video!).

Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PcL6-mjRNk


Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

Absolutely brilliant!

Ronnie Larsen said...

if you truly loved your dog, you would buy him
one of those machines, you cheap bastard!

Anonymous said...

I know a dog who needs one of these. Now where do you buy them?