Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lady Orchid

You have only been away a short time
But in that time so much has changed
All your friends are talking about her
She is new to the neighborhood
But it is as if she had been there all their lives
Lady Orchid, center of the social scene
“This town would just be dead”
“Without me,” she says, making an entrance
“Wouldn’t you agree?”
Everyone nods and raises their drinks
To Lady Orchid
You have only been away a short time
But the new center of gravity
Is now the beautiful but deadly
Lady Orchid

Credits: Poem and Collage by Jay Larsen


Ronnie Larsen said...

That's the gayest poem you've ever written! Where the hell did that come from? PS My boyfriend thinks you're hot!

Jay Larsen said...

Well, I'm now a gay poet, I guess. :-)
Although, I didn't know my poems were straight before. What does a straight poet sound like?
What is the most hetro poem I have ever written?
Love Ya Back...