Monday, January 24, 2005

For Immediate Release

(Arlington, WA)
A man woke to a new day today.
He hoped that things would go alright.
He kissed his wife and hugged his kids.
He drove his car.
Checked his email.
Clicked on some websites.

A man went to lunch today.
He hoped that things would go alright.
He ordered the teriyaki chicken.
He tried to make his chopsticks break perfectly
Into two symmetrical pieces.
He asked for hot sauce on the side.

A man checked the clock today.
He hoped that things would go alright.
He wished the last hour would slip away.
He made a list of work to do another day.
Checked his email.
Clicked on some websites.

A man returned home at the end of the day.
He hoped that things would go alright.
He kissed his wife and hugged his kids.
He turned on the TV.
Laughed at the jokes.
Clicked through the channels.

Things have gone alright, he said.
And tomorrow, I hope they go the same.

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