Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Watching the Olympics

Watching the Olympics in China
Doesn’t make me unique
Just one of many sitting in their couches
Watching Bob Costas snipe
While pretending his insults are
Just done as part of the fun
Just watching young athletic bodies
Do amazing things
While eating another bowl of ice cream
Just watching hour after hour
And knowing I am seeing just a bit
A tiny itty bit of what is going on
Just watching years of hard work
Boil down to seconds on the track
Or the pool or the court
Amazed at what people can do
When they focus and try hard
Amazed at the winner’s success
Wishing the camera would linger longer
On the faces of those who came in
Second, Third, Forth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh,
Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth
(You get the idea)
Watching the commercials
Fast-forwarding past the commercials
With my DVR
Just watching and wincing at the pain
Inflicted on the bodies and minds
Of people trying so hard
To live up to expectations
Just watching the ability of people
People from all over the world
To come together and play together
Just watching for the brief glimpse
Beyond the barricade or the studio wall
When you see unscripted life
Happening in Beijing
Watching and feeling connected
Yet isolated by the TV screen
Just watching too many hours
Of the Olympics
And knowing I will miss them
When they are done
Words and Collage by Jay Larsen

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