Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Can We Slow Down Please

This time. Can we slow down please?

I know we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud over Wall Street.

But just this time, can we slow down please and not give in to the panic?

How about 10 Things You Should Know about this Trillion Dollar "bailout" program?

Like is it Constitutional to give unrevieawable power to one person?

What happens if we don't bail out Wall Street?

Do we trust a Wall Street CEO who has gotten it all wrong to fix it?

Aren't we asking the foxes to fix the hen house?

Why doesn't Wall Street pay for the bail out?

What happened to the "free market"?

When did the Bush Administration become Socialists?

Does this fix the problem, or just prop up the problem makers?

Why was it so crucial to get it all done over the weekend?

Can we just slow down?

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