Thursday, February 12, 2009

Essence of Phenomenon

The essence of phenomenon is phenomenally essential
to any commercial enterprise in this market we call music
Who buys these records?
Who makes this crap?
We have created this mess together: oppressors and oppressed
Perhaps it would be more fruitful to inquire why,
in general and in particular cases,
there is so marked a discrepancy between values and actions?
The best way to resist such a depressing system
is to validate our experience alongside other people
What is the state of your desire?
Have you been experienced?
Or are you truly dumber, weaker, or fewer in numbers
Than your oppressors?
Don't think about it
Just act as if it were true
This phenomenon is essentially you
Credits: Essentialism by Socrates
Phenomenon by a Self Organizing Universe
Poetry and Collage by Jay Larsen, sort of

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