Thursday, November 19, 2009

Relations of Reynard

Bottom jaw jutting out like a llama
Teeth protruding like a, well like a llama
Reynard regards regal rectangles
Surrounded by plastic chairs
Retard! He screams at himself
Startling the starlings and crows
Who circle and cry, circle and cry
Complaining of finding themselves
Back on that endless wheel of pain
That torture of endless torment
Which can only be accurately called
By one name, one heartless noun
One subject, one object,
One dreaded event
Inevitable as well as unavoidable


Slowly the crows and starlings
Settle back onto the wires
Staring steely stares
The cousins and uncles
Step mothers and aunts
Shovel green Jell-O
Onto sagging yellow paper plates
Retard! They scream at Reynard
Grab a plate before the ambrosia is all gone
Bottom jaw jutting out like a llama
Teeth protruding like a, well like a llama
Reynard vows never to attend
A reunion again
Echoes: Poem and Collage by Jay Larsen
Jell-O brought to you by family reunions everywhere
Where people are swimming you should shout,
Watch Out, There Are Llamas!!

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